
What should be done in the history of Polish philosophy (and how)? 

Philosophical-Methodological Workshop (in Polish)

February 14-15, 2024.

Women in Analytic Philosophy:  Past and Present

International Workshop,  February 12-13, 2024

World Logic Day(s) in POLAND. Logic, Language, Cognition: Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz

January 13-14, 2024.



Necesse est philosopari...

Session in memory of Izydora Dąmbska and Daniela Gromska

In the year 2023, a double anniversary occurs: the fortieth anniversary of the death of Izydora Dąmbska and the fiftieth anniversary of Daniela Gromska, both students of Kazimierz Twardowski and representatives of the philosophical Lwów-Warsaw School. On this occasion, the LWS Research Center at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw and the Department of Ontology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University invite to a session dedicated to the life and work of these outstanding figures in Polish science.

The meeting will take place on December 5, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM in a hybrid format: at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw (Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, room 102) and online. In the first part, fifteen-minute lectures related to the work of Izydora Dąmbska and Daniela Gromska will be presented. The second part will be devoted to reminiscences and discussion.

Independent Ethics in the Lvov-Warsaw School

International symposium, October 20-21, 2023. 

The symposium “Independent ethics in the Lvov-Warsaw School” is organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Marian Przełęcki’s death and the 100th anniversary of his birth, and concentrates on the axiological threads of the School’s tradition.

Marian Przełęcki was one of the most important representatives of the third generation of the Lvov-Warsaw School. As an assistant of Janina Kotarbińska, and a student of Tadeusz Kotarbiński and Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, he was imbued with the spirit of anti-irrationalism. Przełęcki’s output belongs to two main domains: logic (and its application in sciences), as well as ethics and metaethics. In both domains, Przełęcki continued and developed his teachers’ ideas.

In particular, the papers on the following problems are welcomed:

- Marian Przełęcki’s ethical and metaethical views (“Christianity of Unbelievers”, intuitionism, ethics versus metaphysics, the limits of sciences);

- Ethics and metaethics in the Lvov-Warsaw School and the School of Franz Brentano:

o ethics and metaethics in Brentano and his students,

o Twardowski’s program of scientific ethics,

o Kotarbiński’s ethics of trustworthy protector and his praxeology;

o Tatarkiewicz’s analyses of good, happiness, perfection, etc.

o Ajdukiewicz’s ethical contributions: analysis of justice, analysis of human actions;

o Czeżowski’s ethics and metaethics,

o Ossowska’s ethical conceptions and analyses,

o Dąmbska’s axiological views, etc.;

- The concepts of independent ethics, scientific ethics, ethical intuitionism, etc.

- The challenges of teaching ethics. 

Philosophico-Methodological Workshop 

February 8-11, 2023



History of/in the Lvov-Warsaw School

International Symposium, October 20-22, 2022

Three groups of problems will be analyzed at the symposium: (1) the history of the Lvov-Warsaw School, (2) the methods of practicing history (particularily of philosophy, and of logic) in the tradition of School, as well as (3) the results of applying these methods.  

The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center Seminar (8)

On May 31, 2022, 9.45, Prof. Ryszard Kleszcz will present the paper "Humanities in the Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz's Methodological Conception"(in Polish). The meeting will take place online.

The Lvov-Warsaw School Researech Center Seminar (7)

On May 24, 2022, 9.45, Prof. Paweł Grabarczyk, will present the paper "Prohibitive Semantics as a Development of Ajdukiewicz's Directival Conception of Meaning"(in Polish). The meeting will take place online.

The Lvov-Warsaw School Researech Center Seminar (6)

On March 22, 2022, 9.45, Prof. Marek Rembierz, PhD, will present a paper "Logic - Didactics - Culture"(in Polish). The meeting will take place online. 


The Lvov-Warsaw School Researech Center Seminar (5)

On March 8, 2022 at 9.45, Marcin Będkowski, PhD, will present a paper "Ajdukiewicz's "Proof and Explanation" and the contemporary controversy over argumentation and explanation"(in Polish). The meeting will take place online. 


The Lvov-Warsaw School Researech Center Seminar (4)

On February 22, 2022 at 9.45, Prof. Jan Woleński will present a paper "Semantic approach to conceptual schemes and the problem of internal realism" (in Polish). The meeting will take place online. 


Philosophy Workshop 

2nd edition online, February 11-13, 2022

The Lvov-Warsaw School Researech Center Seminar (3)

On January 25, 2022 at 9.45, Prof. Adam Olech will present a paper "About logical type of logically understood general concepts" (in Polish). The meeting will take place online. 



The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center Seminar (2)

The first meeting of the seminar in 2022 will take place online on January, 11, 2022, at 9.45 am. Prof. Anna Jedynak will present the paper "Ajdukiewicz. The Limits of Rationalism" (in Polish).


The World of Values in the Lvov-Warsaw School

International symposium, October 21-23, 2021

The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center Seminar (1)

The first meeting of the seminar will take place online on May, 25, 2021, at 10 am. Prof. Ryszard Kleszcz will present the paper "Metaphilosophical Controversies.  Roman Ingarden and the Lvov-Warsaw School" (in Polish).


Philosophy Workshop

1st Edition Online, February 11-14, 2021

Roman Ingarden and the Lvov-Warsaw School. International online symposium Octoer 22-24, 2020